The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that on my landing page and in my bio I mentioned an interest in voice acting. I recently had an opportunity to showcase my talents for the new game Being Left The F*** Alone Simulator, now available on Steam (link below),
It was developed by a good friend of mine in the retro style of a point and click adventure game with a theme of mindfulness and slowing down. My contribution was the recording of a body scan guided meditation that you can play when your character is in the hammock. The meditation guides your awareness through different parts of your body, with an emphasis on non-judgement and non-attachment to any sensations that you may feel. I've put the recording on my about page, so you can check it out if you wish (
Some of the other recordings I've made were for the Librivox website, which takes books in the public domain and enables volunteers to convert them to free audiobooks. I recorded 2 chapters of a book on Jungian Psychology (a subject I find fascinating, but took me a while to get my head around (some pun intended)), and another on the leadup to the Russian Revolution (info below).
If you're looking for something a bit more creative and off-beat you could check out my voice actor demo reel, in which I let loose a bit of my oddness with some of the voices I've used for characters in various RPG campaigns I've run (also on my about page).
Link to the game
My Librivox contributions (note that this just links to the books themselves, so you'll need to find my name under the READER info to hear me).